{....and God knew...}
Today, I am riveted by the idea that God knows me.He has me memorized.He knows that when I get tired or lost in a weaving train of thought I twist my hair into long ropes. He knows when I laugh deep and long sometimes I giggle so hard I nearly stop breathing. He knows that when I read a verse that penetrates my soul I’m liable to raise my hands. He knows that when I’ve had enough in life, rammed about and pushed to the brink, I want to run away. He knows when praise springs forth from the depths of my core I quietly {and yet triumphantly; determinedly} stomp my foot in worship. He knows the wrinkles and roughness of my hands. He knows I cry when the earth of my heart cracks wide and tender roots of needed growth spring forth. He knows the curvature of my handwriting. He knows my quirks. He knows when I pitch a fit. He knows what I am trying so hard to do. He knows. Nothing is hidden from Him.Being lost hasn’t been lost on Him. He knows.He doesn’t miss a thing.Not a single thing.“…and God knew….” {Exodus 2:24} I read this in my daily reading this week. It nearly leapt off the page, raised like braille. God knows what I am battling, overcoming, striving towards, reaching out for, searching for, dreaming of....and He knows that at times I feel as if I’m doing it blind as a bat.He heard the pleas of Israel. It actually says He heard their groaning, and He remembered His covenant. I need to remember that. God is working with active force, even if it seems only a quiet rolling thunder, to provoke deeper covenant and a broader scope for Kingdom impact….through my life.He knows what you’re trying to do in your parenting. He knows the forgiveness and grace you are offering your marriage by faith. He knows the acts of faithful stewardship you are attempting as you formulate a budget each month. He sees the ways you are risking everything and being vulnerable for His Name’s sake time and time again. He knows your need for acceptance. He knows the seeds you are planting and He hears your heart pleading {begging} for a sprout of growth.You aren’t slipping His mind. Your longings aren’t being lost through life’s cracks. He’s not just concerned with the big picture; He’s deeply compassionate towards the minuscule details that make the flowers smell just a touch sweeter. He knows what you need and how deeply you need it. He is showcasing how He knows every day all around you. He knows where your heart is breaking and where your weaknesses are snapping. He knows how to mend your brokenness and then leverage your testimony to help mend other’s brokenness. He knows how to rescue you and then how to link your life into the arms of others pleading for freedom. He knows how to recover lost and wandering hearts. He knows you and He hasn’t forgotten the covenant He made with you.“God listened to their groanings…. ……….God remembered His covenant….” {Exodus 2:24}