Arrows LIVE | A true BECOMING

img_3066When God has mind to move mountains and dream big dreams with you and it’s partnered with your willingness to yield completely to His unorthodox methods the increase of His territory becomes so broad you could never hope to gather it all up in your able arms if you tried. And I love it.Let me just tell you, sweet tribe of mine, how this is currently happening in my life. When we moved to Dallas just under three years ago I never could have anticipated the passion I would cultivate for my own desperate need, for the women in my community and for women beyond the borders of my community seeking to find spiritual air in the current atmosphere of the world. Through several years of doing ministry locally the Lord ignited a vision for an event, Arrows LIVE, to cultivate our passion for Jesus through the vehicle of His Word. An event motivating the unique nature of our callings and how each of those unique heart places rooted deeply in God’s Word have the potential to influence culture for Kingdom in an extraordinary way. A window into what living with purposeful passion could really look like in our womanhood, in our careers, in our marriages, in our daily roles, in our parenting, in our friendships….in everything.God had mind to move me through that vision…..and move He has. The seedling of Arrows LIVE is currently BECOMING more than I ever could have hoped or imagined. It is taking on a life of its own. It is BECOMING a tribe of women, sisters, friends and believers hurling off the passive nature of Christianity and diving deep into believing Jesus for our real lives, with our real circles of influence. It is being carried by the current of the Lord and YOU are making it happen. But it isn’t happening because it’s easy. It’s happening because it’s taking big faith leaps and we as a team are stirring fresh belief, cultivating new landscapes, leaning in, surrendering plans, and calculating miraculous days like never before. What Arrows LIVE is becoming for you is breathtaking. And I love it.Because the world doesn’t care what God’s desires are for His creation. The world doesn’t care what kind of equipping you need to carry out Kingdom plans on a normal Tuesday. The world doesn’t care where your heart is aching and spilling and broken in the dark of night. The speed of the world doesn’t show your calendar pages mercy and create magic space for extended seasons of sacrifice and belief. The world doesn’t bend to give you grace to make mistakes, stumble and misstep towards wisdom you never would have gained, had you not stepped out to broader territory than you could possibly gather in your able arms if you’d tried.And Kingdom errands always exceed your pay grade. Or at least according to Hebrews 11:1 and Ephesians 3:20 they should always exceed your spiritual pay grade, but that’s where the sweet spot for faith is……just beyond what we can think, hope or imagine. And that is right where I believe God wants to take those that come to this first Arrows LIVE by faith. He wants you to come and not be really sure why you are coming. You are just coming. You’re coming to GATHER together with others that are seeking the same thing you are seeking….HOPE. You’re coming to discover more of why the accessibility of God’s Word as an Anchor for your life is so extraordinary….you’re coming to GROW. You’re coming to then GO equipped with something beyond what the world is offering…you’re coming to be loved well by Jesus. All fear removed…..I’m confident you’re coming because you’re curious. Stay curious. There is great bravery in being curious. Arrows LIVE will host incredible worship, special music, honest testimonies, delicious dinner bites, a surrounding of community, aromatic coffee and cider, amazing vendors, the gorgeous ambiance of the venue space 6500, Christmas will be in the air and love will be spilling from our hearts……but I want you to come most because you are curious like me. Curious for something deeper out of the life and days you are currently living out.Because in the place of spiritual curiosity where we catapult off the seemingly secure places of spiritual comfort and the wind blows back the hair of all your fears and you free fall towards nothing but the desperate desire you have to find all of Jesus – THAT is where you see realms of belief and magnificence inside the real life you are living you NEVER dreamed possible.That’s where you see Kingdom. That’s where you see spiritual heroes and saints. Battle worn? Yes. Imperfect lives? Yes. Beat up? Yes. Worn out for a worthy cause? Yes. Laying all their spiritual cards on the table? Yes. Callused prayer knees? Yes.But they are, by amazing Grace, still standing.Standing firm on the promises they were given when they started out. That Jesus is who He says He is. And He is worth every risk we take by faith. Arrows LIVE is beyond my knowledge base, friends. It is beyond what I could ever gather on my own. It is because of God’s unfailing love and pursuit of YOU that Arrows LIVE is becoming possible. Your teamwork, prayers, support, curiosity, disinterest in the religious status quo, your provoking for more of God has created Arrows LIVE. And you are worth it, beautiful friend.You are worth confronting every fear. You are worth every sleepless night. You are worth every hour of study. You are worth every sacrifice. You are worth every wrestling prayer. You are worth every frailty exposed. You are worth every weak stumbling step to understand better the waters you are facing. You are worth surrendering and discovering all the unanswered questions. You are worth the guts it takes to create this event. You are worth the brave invitations. You are worth intentional partnerships. You are worth releasing every expectation for. You are worth every day, every hour, every minute and every second. You are worth my whole heart.I love you dearly. I hope you will join the growing tribe that is BECOMING more than we could have ever hoped or imagined. We are nearly at capacity for Arrows LIVE in Dallas and I am blown away by your friendship. Thank you. Believing boldly for December 8, 2016 at 6500 in Dallas, TX and I cannot wait to share a beautiful evening together with YOU as God ignites His movement in and through our lives. “Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful.” {Hebrews 10:23}“The Lord is my strength and my song. He has BECOME my salvation.” {Psalm 118:14}


Arrows LIVE | A quick recap + thank you


Star From Afar | Arrows LIVE