Becoming | 2 Corinthians 9:10 | Devotional One
Good Morning, Becoming friends!
Writing has always been my first love in regards to my relationship with Jesus. There are times for a spoken word and then there are seasons for a deeper more introspective written word. Writing takes more minutes, but forces me as a writer and you as a reader to really press in to what God is leadaing us to study. If we allow them to, the words we read and the words we write can soak themselves into our marrow so thoroughly and resonate to a deeper place than what simply hearing it has the capability to do. Let's soak in God's Word this week, dear hearts. I want to hover over deep heart waters and see God stir up fresh growth.
"He who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will supply and multiply your seed for sowing and increase the harvest of your righteousness." {2 Corinthians 9:10}Generous and willing. I have probably said those three words over my children a billion times. I remember when they were bobble-headed toddlers and very first learning to share their toys, crayons, and snacks with each other…giving was one thing…being willing to give generously was a whole other ball game. They would give sparingly just to squeak by with a “toddler style giving” box check. Like, I’m talking giving up a single goldfish when asked to share. Or sliding over a single lego for the other to play with. What can you even do with a single lego?!I wanted them to understand the concept of not just giving, but being generous AND willing. There is a major difference. We can give and not be willing. We can be willing and not be generous. Here Paul leads us to the example of our Father’s posture towards provision for us in both the physical and spiritual realm. God is BOTH willing AND generously giving the provision for not just our immediate needs, but futuristically He is providing for continued planting and harvesting. He is generous AND willing.
“The idea is, that when a man scatters seed in his field God provides him with the means of sowing again. He not only gives him a harvest to supply his needs, but he blesses him also in giving him the ability to sow again. Such was the benevolent wish of Paul. He desired not only that God would supply their returning needs, but he desired also that he would give them the ability to do good again; that he would furnish them the means of future benevolence. He acknowledges God as the source of all increase, and wishes that they may experience the results of such increase.” {Barnes’ Notes on the Bible – Commentary}
There have been seasons of my life stretch every resource I have available. Pulling withdrawals from all I have to offer emotionally, spiritually, mentally and physically. I have come up to Red Sea crossings with a host of people looking for vision and I’m terrified. Seasons, like a planting farmer, I just don’t know if I will be able to supply seed for any more sowing. I’ve gone through such excruciating stress and capacity I’ve looked around my life and thought simply getting out of bed today could very well be all I have and thinking to provide anything generous and willing seems completely out of the question…..I feel all the pressure to provide the upfront and backend deposit and I’m out before I even begin.Friends, if we consider our lives unto what we have to offer with merely our natural capabilities we will be out of the giving game long before we even get to “generous and willing”. I’m not talking about giving money either. I’m talking about giving of our lives. Our time. Our giftings. If we depend on ourselves to come up with the "seed" for sowing we will come up short time and time again and be tempted to like my kiddos give a single lego or small crumb of a goldfish cracker because that’s all we got. And let me just tell you, there is no shame in reaching the end of yourself and your own giving game…..if you’re there you are actually in a beautiful place of surrender. So bravo, dear heart. Let's allow surrender to propel us to receiving the unforced rhythms of God's generous and willing "seed for sowing" in every way.Here, Paul takes us to a Deeper Source of provision. He extends our energies up towards a Heavenly Provider who not only wants to provide for the immediate needs required to pour out our lives generously and willingly for others, but the continued provision to give and draw increased harvest. The hinge is faith. Faith to keep stepping, pressing in, praying for His seeds to sow and trusting His voice as He gives generously and willingly wisdom and counsel.This week we will take a look at what it means to lean all our spiritual and physical energies on His provision of the seed for the sowing and increased the harvest of our lives.Challenge for today:
List all the ways God has supplied and multiplied willingly and generously for your life?
Praise and pray with BOLD thanksgiving for HIS provision. What a fragrant aroma our praise and thanksgiving is to Him.
For deeper reading:
2 Corinthians 9:6-15
Matthew 7:7-11
*If you haven't downloaded the BECOMING APP yet, please do!! We are taking a week to walk through a written study, but I also wanted to tap into my blog community again and let you know where we have loads of opportunities to dive into scripture in a deeper way. On the App you will find many video devotionals to help jumpstart your time with the Lord. Some video devotionals are 5 minutes and some are over 10....but all are quick resources and easy to share with others. I want so much for us to grow in our desire for God's Word and apply it in a relevant way to our actual lives! BECOMING APP is available wherever you download your apps!