Tomorrow with the start of #goodmorningdarling I’m coming to you raw and unpolished. I'm, of course, like a kid waiting up for Christmas morning! I've prayed for you, for this, for so long. Tomorrow a new day dawns. I want you to know me as honest, real, and authentic. Unpolished and incredibly imperfect. We are but sojourners on this new break of light across the horizon. I am stepping across the threshold of this month of August {which provokes by definition an inspiring reverence or admiration} with the deepest craving for a filling and satisfaction in Jesus like never before, because the abundance of the joyful intangibles to life depend on it. The artwork on the cover is entitled Blue. By definition the color blue is the color of the sky and sea. It is often associated with depth and stability. It symbolizes trust, loyalty, wisdom, confidence, intelligence, faith, truth and heaven.That’s the opposite of how I feel. I’m starting this month a bit wind whipped; tossed about and looking for stability.I need Jesus to be enough….I need Jesus to paint wild brushstrokes of Blue hues over the scratched canvas of my life. I need to allow the becoming of trust in His ways, loyalty to His plan, consistency to His wisdom, and confidence in His direction, release to full faith, acceptance of all Truth and have Heaven-minded passion keeping me focused on the Kingdom purposes at hand.So the prayer becomes full to overflowing in my heart as we flip the page to Aug 1:Dear Jesus, As I hit my face before you, would you bless where we feel at our lowest. By grace would you bless the weak places we don’t recognize as an open gate for the enemy to steal, kill and destroy the plans of promise you have for us. Will you grant mercy where we are wretched and fallible. Would you wash an anointing all the way to the hem of the garment where things feel unstrung and tattered, where we feel weary and unsure. Would you find us and stand before this place and say “I am enough.” Sweet Jesus wash us in your grace and empower us with endurance. May our faith working together provoke your heart to heal the gaps of great need in our lives.Amen“And the power of the Lord was with him {present} to heal {them}.” Luke 5:17