My Jam - A Revolution of Daughters

FBC Bentonville, Arkansas how we doing?!  Oh, I miss you so deeply.  Thought and prayed for you nearly every day sense we backed our Suburban out of B’Ville and headed back to western Oklahoma.  So very thankful for the leadership of Hutch and Maegan Kufahl { } in that church, for Chanika McLelland { } as she led us in worship so beautifully, and for all the radiant friends that loved on me so deep.  Ya’ll are some of my absolute favorites.String of Pearls Conference has long been put to bed though.  Are we still rising as Jesus calls us out to be Brave?  Brave in our relationships?  Brave in our purity?  Brave in answering our callings, stepping underneath God’s anointing, and acting in obedience immediately and fully?My Coach man and I had a BLAST with you chicks.  Ya’ll know how to throw a party in Jesus!  One of our favorite moments every year is when you pull out the classic Kirk Franklin “Revolution” – What?! What?! As it amped up this year, the one and only, Jordan Street said it perfect when she rolled her grooving moves from the back of the room to the front – “Sorry, but this is my jam.” L-O-V-E.Thought about that statement several times sense that jam session with Kirk Franklin….come to think of it that’s my jam too……A revolution of God’s daughters rising up when He calls their names.  Yeah, that.  That’s a REAL jam I could put on repeat and NEVER get tired of.Today as I sat to write to you my heart went back to the well.  The place we started.“A woman from Samaria came to draw water.  Jesus said to her, ‘Give me a drink.’  The Samaritan woman said to him, ‘How is it that you, a Jew, ask for a drink from me, a woman of Samaria?’ {For Jews have no dealings with Samaritans.}  Jesus answered her, ‘If you knew the gift of God, and who it is that is saying to you, ‘Give me a drink’, you would have asked him, and he would have given YOU living water.” {John 4:7-10}Fast forward this story a bit and they go on to have a pretty deep and insightful “well water coffee chat” about her unredeemed past and hopeless future if she continues to walk down the path she is presently pursuing.  She gets “fo’ realz” with Jesus and He gets “fo’ realz” with her.  Jesus explains that he loves her “As Is”, baggage and all – affairs and all – heart ache and all – loves her, but WILL NOT leave her the same.  Wants her to feel comfort in telling her story, but leave changed, set free and brave to live as a glorious daughter washed in the LIFE GIVING WATER of His Spirit.She relinquishes all control.  Jesus has a way of getting our attention when we allow ourselves to encounter Him.  She went back into the city she was ashamed to be known in and boldly proclaimed her healing in Jesus.  Unashamed she told her testimony – warts and all.  And what did people do?  They said, “We see a change in you.  That makes us curious.  Take us to the “Jesus” you say has changed your life.”  So she does.  Bravely she does.“Many Samaritans from that town believed in him because of the woman’s testimony, ‘He told me all that I ever did.’ So when the Samaritans came to him, they asked him to stay with them, and he stayed there two days.  And many more believed because of his word.  They said to the woman, ‘It is no longer because of what you said that we believe, for we have heard for ourselves, and we know that this is indeed the Savior of the world.” {John 4:39-42}See, the chick at the well didn’t have time to maintain all her regrets when she got up close and personal about the way Jesus loved her.   There is NOTHING to maintain in light of the extravagance of Jesus’ life giving water being poured over our lives.If I may, please let me encourage you today.  Lay it all down to step boldly into the calling of Jesus over your life.  He has done a miraculous work in you and desires desperately to do a miraculous work through you.  The others in “the city” where you live are dependent on your obedience to bring them to Jesus.  Be brave, dear heart.  Be so brave.  His love and mercy and grace will step with you as you go.  His spirit will give you confidence as you operate differently in your relationships.  His spirit will give you peace as you set yourself apart in purity.  His spirit will give you the boldness and courage you need to step into the authority of your calling.  Be brave enough to encounter Him fully.If you have yet to experience, to truly ENCOUNTER the love of Jesus, know that this very second HE wants to encounter YOU.  The Love of God will change you as you encounter His presence…..truly YOU will NEVER BE THE SAME.  Never.  Brace yourself beloved, as your spirit opens up to receive what He wants to do in your life.  What he does through your life will blow you away, you just have to let Him.  Let His love go so deep beloved daughter, allow it the opportunity to seep through your deepest hurts, your hidden sins, your exposed wounds.I agree with my friend, Jordan.  As a resounding voice of all the daughters that have gone before you this is OUR jam.  A revolution of daughters rising up to accept the authority of their position in Jesus.  Rising up as He calls their name.  You have the capacity to change the world just as the woman at the well did….all ya gotta do is tell your story of redemption.  That’ll get ‘em curious about Jesus….then believe me, Jesus will keep them there. Sweet Beth - My Sharp Arrow Sister :) My heart sisters - love. of Pearls Conference


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Brave Mommas