Planting Seeds
Imagine with me for only a moment if your world was void of Promise. No New Words. No Hope beyond what you were presently seeing. No words that spoke of the Truth, Light and Real Love that pursues beyond performance. Think of the ache of no utterance of unconditional Grace.Seriously. Stop and think about it.When God stirred my heart to speak and teach His Word it was out of a deep seeded passion for that Word becoming real in my personal life. I had grown up hearing, reading, seeing and acting out Bible story after Bible story. I have been privileged to sit underneath some of the best Bible teachers in the world. I have been given so many supplemental books to break down the Holy Text I have the nearly grotesque privilege of being picky to the kind of theology books I want to read. I have the Words of Hope readily available in an instant on my phone that I can access in any translation I can think of thanks to the You Version App. I have Bibles that have weathered life broken into them, threadbare leather bindings and gloriously sitting on my front room shelf that I bought from the sweetest man I knew in Weatherford, Ok…{Weatherford friends you know who I’m talking about…no question, Noble Amen.} I have a couples only Bible, a Women’s Study Bible, a Bible just for kids, a Bible for students, a Bible for the seeker, a Daily Devotional Bible…….I have my “Old Man” Bible I’ve had since I was fifteen. I have my now English Standard Study Bible, affectionately referred to as “The Hammer” by my family, that I have only had for five years and nearly studied to shreds.And yet as I type these words there are people groups all over the world that do not have the Living Breathing Word of God at the fingertips.Allowing that to sink in nearly takes my breath away. As I type these words at a Starbucks, which I will leave dripping in the aroma of coffee, I see people all around me with ginormous Bibles flopped wide open across their tables filling the whole room with the Aroma of Christ. And yet……as I take a deep breath there are those that have never smelled the perfume of God’s Word. The Lole of the Sandalwood Cluster don’t know what it feels like to say {John 3:16} in their language which. They don’t know it exists. They don’t understand that God, Abba, Yahweh has plans to prosper them and not to harm them, plans to give them a mighty future like {Jeremiah 29:11} says because that Text hasn’t been translated into their language. They don’t comprehend that by delighting themselves in the Lord they receive all that they could ever want like {Psalm 37:4} proclaims. The women that walk to the well day after day after day to fill their pots full of physical water have no idea about a Man that was waiting on a woman at the well to fill her heart with Living Water that would never run out because no one has translated {John 4} just yet so that she can hear it.Each one of my children has a set of scriptures memorized to say not when life is easygoing, but when it’s hard. Imagine, as a mother, walking through any number of things in life without a scripture of Hope or Promise or Truth to cover your babies with in prayer as you watch them sleep.Just imagine it.A week ago I was given the divine pleasure of meeting with The Seed Company. Their passion to leverage every resource, every story and every ounce of physical, spiritual and emotional energy to make sure every tribe and every tongue has the Name of Jesus translated so that they can hear it is beyond inspiring. It is my joy and honor to serve them as an advocate for spreading the Good News about what they are doing and how you can help. I’m going to be telling stories, making announcements, gathering prayer partners and overall building a passion for the Great Commission with the Sword of Truth in our hands. Because without the Sword in our hands we are ill equipped to fulfill the Charge of Christ, “To go and make disciples of all nations…” {Matthew 28:19}
Today our prayer is that through our passion to see these projects get translated we are releasing a Mighty Roar of Hope across every tribe.Will you join us in prayer right now?Will you join us on May 7 during the National Day of Prayer too?This year’s National Day of Prayer theme is “Lord, Hear Our Cry” as inspired by 1 Kings 8:28 ~ “Nevertheless, listen to my prayer and my plea, O Lord my God. Hear the cry and the prayer that your servant is making to you today.” On this special day we at The Seed Company want to invite you to add your voice to ours; praying that lives would be transformed as God’s Word impacts our nation.Here are three easy ways to join in:1. Post to your FB page and/or tweet a prayer for God’s Word to change our lives in one of these 6 areas:• Family• Church• Education• Business• Government• Media2. Use these hashtags: #NDOP2015 and #EndBiblePoverty3. Join in the conversation on The Seed Company FB page as you’re able. Every 10 minutes we will be praying for one of the topics listed above.God’s Word is life giving. By it the oppressed are liberated, the lost are reconciled. Yet over one billion people are still Bibleless.Let’s change that.Click Here {The Seed Company} for more ways you can get involved and become an active part to #endbiblepoverty