The King is Here..

The King is HERE.HERE.In the midst of us, moving, loving, seeing……us.How vast the sum of God’s thoughts on the mother that rises early to wake her household.  Who stands patiently over the bacon as it crisps.  Who wakes her children with singing and gladness.  Who manifests His spirit over her tired and weary soul, to love deeper and more extravagant than she did the day before.Oh, the King is in your midst dear one. How vast the sum of God’s thoughts on the wife that serves her husband in love, with grace.  How beloved the woman that treasures his “man heart” and inspires him to stand Victorious in the city gates.  Her approval and confidence in him honors him, sends him out in courage.  How very honorable she is to stand confident in full submission to the Jesus standing up inside her man.Oh, the King is in your midst dear one.How vast the sum of God’s thoughts on the woman that navigates loss with such tremendous grace.  You rising in faith blesses the heart.  Strengthens the soul and gives endurance to the spirit.  Jesus is near to your rising, merely a breath away.Oh, the King is in your midst dear one.How vast the sum of God’s thoughts on the daughter seeking after the heart of God.  Wholly, fully, holding nothing back to capture the majestic view; the face of God.  Leveraging their influence, their gifts, their abilities all for the glory of God and the good of His people….dear child, you are most pleasing to King Jesus.Oh, the King is in your midst dear one.“Remember what you are saved for – that the Son of God might be manifested in your mortal flesh.  Bend the whole energy of your powers to realize your election as a child of God; rise to the occasion every time.” – Oswald ChambersWiping the counters, cleaning the closets, kissing the cheeks, holding the hands, overcoming the odds, yielding the spirit, crying the tears, washing the clothes, tabulating the bills, believing in prayer, singing the song, teaching the lesson, filling the cups, passing the plates, encouraging the souls, equipping the saints, bending the knees to the earth……all because dear one, the King is here.In your very midst, this very moment….King Jesus is here.  He is with you.  He sees you.  He knows you.  He is proud of you.  He loves you.May we come before His presence with tears falling down our cheeks embracing, receiving, accepting anew the profound and immeasurable largeness of the mercy that…..He loves us.  The King loves his daughters.“…keep yourselves in the love of God..” Jude 1:21


Moore Tornado


Happy Mother's Day