What God Really Sees..

Ever found yourself at a crossroads in life, where God is ready to do a concentrated work in and through your existence, but you feel like all you are is a train wreck just waiting to happen? Found yourself ready to launch in to the deep waters of God and make a heart change, but as you approach the waters, you pause. At first, you are captivated by the thought of God lavishly loving you, and you take a stride toward that road. But then something creeps, like slow-moving ooze, into your conscience and reminds you you’re too messed up. It tempts you to agree with the lie that you’ve walked too far in the other direction for God to want to spend time with you. Who are you fooling to think that road was meant for you? You aren’t special. You claim defeat before you even experience a single movement.God thinks it’s about time to reevaluate who you really are. It’s time to heal that broken heart and mend that torn spirit. It’s time to open the eyes of your heart to see what the Father, the King, really sees. What He sees is the royalty of a princess becoming all glorious within.“The King’s daughter is all glorious within!” {Psalm 45:13}What He sees is a beauty worth lavishing with the life of His Son. He sees a creative genius just waiting to be expressed. He sees beautifully worn-out hands and feet that are anxiously awaiting an opportunity to carry a cup of life-offering refreshment to the brokenhearted. He sees a daughter who, even though she has experienced the deepest of loss, has a whole word to gain. He sees tenderness for people placed in a heart that at its weakest, most submissive, most vulnerable place is actually quite radiant. He sees you as more than just a mess that can’t quite pull it together. He sees His daughter becoming all glorious within.“The bride, the beautiful princess, a royal daughter, is glorious. She waits within her chamber, dressed in a gown woven with gold. Wearing the finest garments, she is brought to the King. Her friends, her companions, follow her into the royal palace. What a joyful, enthusiastic, excited procession as they enter the palace! She comes before her King, who is wild for her!” Psalm 45:13-15


Sometimes God Meets Us In The Walmart Parking Lot


Always Becoming....