A Brave Weekend

What a beautiful weekend it has been.  The fact that the sun has been shining for consistent days alone gives me plenty to rejoice about!  However, the deeper works of God this weekend in Hobart, Oklahoma have given me eternal shouts of praise that are still rattling around in my soul.Massive thanks goes to my dear friend, Sarah Wiginton, and the team at FBC Hobart for their work to make the “Brave” Ladies event an unbelievable success, in Jesus Name.  It was a beautiful evening and as many said the energy in the room was powerful.  As we discussed in the second session, “The power of the Lord was with him {Jesus} to heal.” {Luke 5:17}.  So very thankful Jesus’ power was poured out so liberally on us as we worshipped with the incredible Jami Smith {http://www.jamismith.com/} – oh, she spilt out worship so effortlessly!  Still loving how she stopped us all, reminding us to RECEIVE the beauty of Zephaniah 3:17 – spoken to us each individually, as if for the first time.  Receiving freshly that God’s delight is in US, uniquely - intentionally.“The Lord your God is in your midst,    a mighty one who will save;he will rejoice over you with gladness;    he will quiet you by his love;he will exult over you with loud singing.”As we studied together and broke the Bread of Life through God’s Word I am still in awe of how it unfolded.  I’m reminded freshly again this morning to find a way to Jesus just like the men that lowered their friend to Jesus {Luke 5:17-26}.  The house may be crowded just as it was for the men looking to lower their friend to Jesus…but in their persistence {not perfection} they found a way.  Had to use some elbow grease to get it done, but they were found in the seeking…not in the sitting.  The Pharisees had come to listen and “sit by” while Jesus taught.  The four men carrying their friend were found and seen in their seeking.  Their “asking, seeking, knocking” {Matthew 7:7} stirred the heart of Jesus and I am still amazed that it was THEIR faith {working collectively} that moved Jesus to release the power that was working within him to heal that day.  And all at once what started out as a “on one of those days” became an “extraordinary day” in a matter of a few sentences.The event could not have concluded any more victorious!  Sarah and her team came up with a fantastic idea and reminded us all that when the children of Israel came to a Victory in scripture often times they were told to give a great shout to signify the Victory.  So that is exactly what we did!  Armed with a party whistle, as we wrote down all God had done, took time to pray over and commit to it we blew our whistles as Jami sang the last anthem of worship.  Chills, ya’ll.  It was so powerful to HEAR that you were not alone in your stand to follow and pursue all of Christ.  It was beautiful and I can still hear the ringing of all those plastic party whistles!!A Shout of VictoryI only snapped one picture of the night {still spanking my hand over that!} but the pictures of each face as well as the resounding sound of God’s daughters banded together in Brave Victory will live captured in my memory bank for a lifetime.  When I headed into the “House” this morning I went seeking Jesus, because I want to be among the brave women that committed this weekend to be found in the seeking, not merely in the sitting.  Honored to stand alongside such a beloved and brave group of sisters, of friends.A Brave WeekendPsalm 122:1-4Love you dearly!!“Blessed man, blessed woman, who fear God,Who cherish and relish his commandments,Their children robust on the earth,And the homes of the upright—how blessed!Their houses brim with wealthAnd a generosity that never runs dry.Sunrise breaks through the darkness for good people—God’s grace and mercy and justice!The good person is generous and lends lavishly;No shuffling or stumbling around for this one,But a sterling and solid and lasting reputation.Unfazed by rumor and gossip,Heart ready, trusting in God,Spirit firm, unperturbed,Ever blessed, relaxed among enemies,They lavish gifts on the poor—A generosity that goes on, and on, and on.An honored life! A beautiful life!” Psalm 112:1-10 


Calloused Knees Rising


BGCO Ladies Retreat Recap