Coach's Wife, P.O.D. & Scripture Card Day!

Yes.  I am giving a nod to the bomb diggity coach’s wives out there as well as P.O.D. simultaneously with scripture card day.  Believe me, they go together.Today was what I like to call a “Power Day”.  And yes, I decided to put it in quotes and caps because for all the mommas out there they totally deserve caps and quotes.  Saturdays across the board are most likely “Power Days”.  And as an added bonus I give a double “P for Power Day” to all the coach’s wives out there.  Today the Trotter Tribe rolled multiple soccer games alongside a football scrimmage for Coach Man and the Southwestern Bulldogs.What got me through a day like today?  No I don’t mean that…not just “what got me through”, but what helped me live in powered up Victory, today?Jesus “meeting me at the well” in John 4 early this morning, strong coffee, and P.O.D.’s “Boom” {a solid reference to a ’02 Christian pre-game jam} cranked to the max with the little people in the car….that's how the Trotter tribe rolls.

  1. Jesus
  2. Strong coffee
  3. P.O.D. “Boom”

Armed with Teddy Grahams, 100% juice boxes, “Cutie” oranges in my thermal 31 bag {to which my kids inevitably want what every other kid on the globe has packed as a snack instead of the snack their loving mother meticulously picked out of their own pantry. Yes, that was meant sarcastically.}, diapers, baby wipes, camera, jackets, blankets, gum, game schedules…and a partridge in a pear tree…we headed out the door. I watched my son grow in favor with both God and man as he stood tall playing aggressive soccer games, I adored my Coach man as he did what he was created to do, I affirmed my girls as they cheered their hearts out for their bubba and daddy – learning to live for more than themselves……….......there were a million and one things I either form tackled or overcame in between every double spaced line that I just typed...however, I have to cut it off because that cute Coach man in the pic is sitting next to me as I type and he is almost done watching his HUDL football film and that means we are gonna start a movie and it’s my pick….that time is too precious to miss! BUT……We have scripture cards to go over!!!  And I tell you all the previous information about my day to say this……..none of it – NONE OF IT – is accomplished with joy, love, patience, kindness, faithfulness, willingness……none of it….if I don’t walk to the well this morning and glean Truth FIRST.  If I don’t recall the Text that sharpens my Sword all day I’m done.  Because being a mom and then on top of that being a coach’s wife leads me to my flesh all day long….And ladies, my flesh is rotten.  I have to do a day like today on my own without a Sharp Sword or the Grace that Living Water brings and I have zero clue where my babies need me spiritually.  I have zero clue where my Coach needs my heart or my encouragement or my affirmation.  I am ill equipped to handle raising babies under the mantle of being a coaching family coupled with a growing ministry….I’m done before I even start.BUT….{yes, again there is a 'but'}WITH my Sword Sharp this day was as glorious as the Sunset we laid witness to on the way home from dinner where as a family we laughed with the deepest Joy you could imagine.  Was today perfect?  Absolutely not.  Was today Victorious?  In Jesus Name, yes.  Scripture matters, getting in the Word matters.  Remember the ground rules for these posts – snag one scripture and obsess over it.  Allow God to plant it deep in your heart…allow the others to minister to you.Today’s Scripture Cards are on “Parenting”.  Parenting is scary business.  Training our children up in Christ can at times seem like a daunting task, especially on days like today when it seems we are just shuffling from one thing to the next.  Days don’t HAVE to race by, you can live intentionally..on purpose with you children.  Ladies, our children belong to God, our job is to yes lead them in the paths of righteousness….however it is God’s job to take care of them.  The more we yield ourselves wholeheartedly to God the more fruit we will see in our parenting.  Your children are not an extension of you, they are an extension of the creation of God; His masterpieces on display.  Submit your children to Jesus, submit your parenting and release your worries to Jesus – He has your sweet babies in the palm of His Mighty and Able Hand.“You will go before me and make the rough places smooth; You will shatter the doors of bronze, and cut through their iron bars.  And You will give me the treasures of darkness, and hidden wealth of secret places, in order that I may know that it is You, the Lord, the God of Israel, who calls me by my name.” Isaiah 45:2-3“The Lord is my portion; I promise to keep your words.  I entreat your favor with all my heart; be gracious to me according to your promise.” Psalm 119:57-58“I want to trust in you, Lord, with all my heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all my ways I will acknowledge You, and You will make my paths straight.” Proverbs 3:5-6For me Psalm 119:57-58 jumps off the screen.  I want so desperately to keep unmerited favor with my children, the Lord has to exalt Toby and I in their “eyes of Israel” in order to have opportunity to influence their hearts towards the things of God.  And there is no stinking way I am gonna get through the parenting gig without massive loads of God’s Grace.What about you?  What scripture does your heart land on?Remember, you are not alone…Jesus is with you right now sweet momma and I am praying for you right now.  With Jesus’ help we are going to more than make it mommas, we are going to raise razor sharp world changers. 


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