Scripture Card Day!
As promised today I will start to share one of my scripture memory cards every week! I cannot commit to a certain day on which they will be shared because like any other woman on the planet my life is constantly changing and my tennis shoes are always on.
Couple ground rules:1. I am under no illusion that the scriptures can be memorized in a week. Let’s keep it real up in here and realize that we are humans without robot brains….however, the importance of TRYING still exists. Take ahold of ONE and become obsessed with it…let the Holy Spirit use the rest to simple minister to you. You’ll need ‘em. God has a funny way of bringing scriptures back to us at the perfect time. So logging them all in our hearts is important, you never know when it will come back to you at the perfect time.2. These scripture cards are from the Leviticus Bible study I taught in the fall called “Aroma of Grace”. If you are interested you can click the “Video” tap and watch each video to get a full idea of my heart behind creating these cards. I will warn you, though. The videos are at least 45 minutes to 1 hour long. I’m not a perfect Bible teacher…I’m very much in my teaching infancy……however; one thing that I want to make very clear is that I am PASSIONATE about in-depth Bible study. I love those Bible teachers that are called by God to give quick “on the go” type Bible studies…As a stay at home mom to three kiddos and a coach’s wife I am desperate to surround myself with a quick word. A quick word can pack a tremendous punch and I have gleaned incredible Truth from some amazing studies written by incredible Bible teachers for women in my exact life spot. With that said, I am equally as desperate for an in depth Word that unlocks deeper Truth in my life. There have been some of the most profound moments of my life where the Spirit has poured over me with Liquid Love through the in depth study of His Word. Those studies have been written by Bible teachers I love just as much. I will set up what you will get from a Bible study here – long and in depth. I have tried several avenues – some have suggested I change my style, but in depth real life applicable Bible study is what God has called me to it. So I’m compelled to be obedient to the “me” God created for such a time as this. I get giddy about the kind of Bible study you have to chew on for a couple days to let it really sink in. The kind of study that might take a couple months to get through. Because that is the kind of faith I am living, that kind of writing and expressing keeps me honest and depending desperately on Jesus for every word. Like I said, I’m a real person with incredible real and often raw emotions that needs depth of study to keep me chasing the person of Jesus. I hope that I’m not alone. Our generation is FULL of quick words that are great and have given me personal edification at a time when too many words would have drained my spirit. However, {I realize I’m using however a lot, forgive me} if we are going to not only survive this world but CHANGE it, we are going to have to start being unafraid to keep going deeper into God’s Word. We have to KNOW the Word and be KNOWN by the Word. It is what keeps me waking up in the morning, ladies…truly. SO all that to say enjoy diving deep if you watch through the Leviticus videos {and give me grace as I learn how to pair my passion with my teaching – I’m a work in progress and learning how to be a better Bible teacher every day.}3. Point two ended up so long I just wanted another point to tell you I love you. I’m thankful you’re reading and that you are supporting what God is doing in this ministry and ultimately in me. You are a precious jewel to Jesus {and me}! Believe it, dear hearts!Ok, on to the scripture cards for crying out loud, Cari!! I know you are all just on the edge of your scripture loving seats!Today’s scriptures focus on yielding our desires to God. Ask that the Lord purify your desires today. Seek ways to honor God with the desires in your heart. Ask that God burn HIS desires for you. Repent of any false desires or lusts that tempt you to sin. Reject the lies of the enemy that taunt you into indulging false desires. Yield all of you to all of God.“I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man {woman} remains in me and I in him {her}, he {she} will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” John15:5“And they entered into a covenant to seek the Lord, the God of their fathers, with all their heart and with all their soul; And all Judah rejoiced over the oath, for they had sworn with all their heart and had sought him with their whole desire, and he was found by them, and the Lord gave them rest all around.” 2 Chronicles 15:12, 15“Desire without knowledge is not good, and whoever makes haste with his feet misses his {her} way.” Proverbs 19:2Would LOVE to see your comments on which verse jumps out at you….just so I know I’m not alone{please don't leave me hanging}! For me John 15:5 is screaming my name. That is where I will be landed this week…what about you?