The Becoming Book Club | Chapters 30-38

Book Club Video Day! Ya’ll today has me in a major pause thinking through in my own life and just how often I am tempted by the lure of applause. Ugh. The struggle is SO REAL! Seeking the applause of man is ridiculously unpredictable…living in the assurance of God’s affirmation is unshakeable. My ultimate desire for this week is to TRULY press into The Who of our identity: Jesus.

Click the image below to watch Chapters 30-33 Video and as you do consider this quote….

“In each season of hiddenness, our sense of value is disrupted. Stripped of what others affirmed in us, we are left staring at our undecorated selves, wondering what makes us truly special. Surely no one experienced this disruption more drastically than Jesus. He came from heaven to earth, voluntarily stripped of his glory. Yet he does not seem to question the value of his undecorated self. During his hidden years, Jesus clearly came to terms with what made him significant. Actually, that what was a Who: the God whose love does not ebb and flow on the ever-vacillating waves of human perceptions. What grows in anonymous seasons? An unshakable identity.” {page 115, Anonymous}


The Becoming Book Club | Chapters 39-49


The Becoming Book Club | Chapters 19-29